Mark says that years ago he wrote down a list of things he would love to include if he ever did a Sherlock Holmes story and one of the things was “221C”.The Five Orange Pips is a famous Sherlock Holmes story but it’s never been done on TV before because the Ku Klux Klan are behind it, so producers have tended to avoid it.
“Tell us about Rupert Graves, Benedict,” coaxes Mark in a strange American accent. Adopting the same accent, Benedict recites, “Rupert Graves is good at football and has five children ...” then he loses the accent and adds, “Well, the fifth on the way. He’s fantastic.” He continues on but keeps drifting into describing Lestrade instead of Rupert.
「來聊聊 Rupert Graves (Lestrade警長) 吧,BC。」Mark用一種奇怪的美國口音勸誘著。用著相同的怪口音,BC背誦似的回答了:「Rupert Graves很會踢足球而且有五個小孩....」然後他的怪口音突然沒了,接著道:「Well,第五個快出生了。他太美妙了。」他接著說 Lestrade 對 Homes很有耐心,後來才想到要聊的是Rupert 演員而不是 Lestrade 警探 XD。
[Can I just interject here and say that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate on typing this, because every time I stop to listen to what the three of them are saying, Benedict’s deep voice is literally vibrating through the desk and is making me go all unnecessary!]
Mark says it was interesting casting Rupert as Lestrade because “traditionally he’s a ratty-faced and rather resentful character” but he’s a very good detective, and Mark and Steven said that if Sherlock Holmes wasn’t around, it would be Lestrade’s series.
Benedict agrees that there’s always a need to justify why you’re re-making Sherlock Holmes into yet another series and that, in bringing it into the twenty-first century, “if you have a persona and a physical presence as gorgeous and adept as Rupert and his Lestrade, then it means that there is another level to detective work which Holmes does bring, that it does supersede the normal police procedure.”
He points out Lestrade’s clothing, adding, “There’s a lot going on; there’s a personal history. I bet he’s got a drinking problem and a failed relationship or two.” “Are we still on Rupert, or Lestrade?!” asks Martin.
「他就像顆鑽石。」Mart這樣形容Rupert,並說到選 Rupert 來演 Lestrade 很有趣,因為「傳說中他長得獐頭鼠目而且脾氣不佳」,但他是個非常好的警探,Mark 和 Steven 甚至認為若沒有 Sherlock,這完全就是 Lestrade 的影集了。
BC認為應該要澄清一下「為什麼要做一個21世紀Serlock Holmes」。「假如這世上真有這樣一號人物可以像 Rupert 演的 Lestrade 一樣華麗而熟練,那表示 Holmes 給偵查工作帶到了另一個層次,就是它確實取代了警方辦案的常規。(老實說我不懂他想表達啥,因為戲裡的 Lestrade 我真的看不出有什麼美貌以外的特長 @@)」
他突然提到Lestrade的服裝(這人的思想真的很跳躍 @@):「這可以看出很多個人事跡。我打賭他有酗酒的問題而且搞砸了一兩段親秘關係。」「我們現在是在聊 Rupert 還是Lestrade?」Martin問。「……呃……Lestrade!」BC竟然想了一下才回應 XD。
Mark says that years ago he wrote down a list of things he would love to include if he ever did a Sherlock Holmes story and one of the things was “221C”.
Mark說到好幾年前他列了一張清單,上面寫了如果他有機會製作「Sherlock Holmes」的話一定要放上來的幾件事,而其中一件就是「221C室」。
Benedict gives a mention to the script supervisor who read the lines of the woman in the car off-camera while they were filming in 221C. She got so much into the role that she was actually crying, and she did it several times, leaving the actors humbled by her performance. The location of the room was a drive of an hour and a half away; it was a really unpleasant damp place and Mark found a Bay City Rollers scarf there.
BC特別提到他們在221C拍攝時,那個為車裡的女人在鏡頭外念台詞的場記。她超投入這個角色而且真的哭了,還配合反覆拍了好幾次,讓演員都為她的表演感到自卑。那個房間的實際位址遠在一個半小時的車程之外,是個濕得讓人很不愉快的地方,而Mark在那邊發現一件「海灣城市搖滾客合唱團」(Bay City Rollers)的圍巾。
中間有一小段,BC提了一個做隨片講評的疑問不知道是啥 @@。這是他第一次為DVD做隨片講評。(很隨性的到處自爆不知道是天性還是第一次的關係....XD)
Many of the shots of Sherlock in the lab testing the shoes were filmed on the day that Martin was injured. It was the third day of filming: on the second day they had almost been snowed in at a morgue in Merthyr Tydfil; and on the third day Martin was leaving his Freeway (presumably his trailer?), slipped on some icy steps “and came down like a sack of spuds” and had to have that day off. They filmed all the close-up work on Sherlock that they could and then they returned to finish filming that scene on the last day before Martin had his hair cut to film episode 2.
“There’s a song in that, the way you were describing it,” says Benedict, then starts singing, “Freeman fell out of his Freeway on his way to ...” “Are you on drugs?!” Martin demands incredulously. “You know my mantra, Martin,” says Mark. “All actors who play Sherlock Holmes go mad. Benedict Cumberbatch has stolen a march by coming in fully formed!” “Charmant!” says Benedict indignantly, adding, “So speaks the writer and Mycroft!”
好幾個Sherlock在實驗室檢驗鞋子的鏡頭是Martin受傷那天拍的。那是拍攝的第三天:第二天他們差點被大雪淹沒在 Merthyr Tydfil 的停屍間,然後第三天Martin在離開他的 Freeway(他的拖車?)準備去上妝時,在結冰的階梯上滑倒了,「像一袋土豆一樣滾下來」他那天只好請假,然後跟BC說:「你只能自己來了,假裝我在這裡把他演完。」他們盡可能的多拍一些Sherlock的特寫,並且想辦法在Martin為第二集剪頭髮以前回來把它拍完(Martin:我一拍完這幕就去把頭髮剪短了)。
「你描述的那個情節,是不是有首歌...」BC在中間突然想到什麼似的,說著說著就哼起來了:「Freeman fell out of his Freeway on his way to ...」「你是嗑藥嗑high了嗎?!」Martin質問他。「No.....NO~!」BC想解釋,Mark已經開始吐槽了:「Martin你知道我的口頭禪是啥嗎,就是所有演Sherlock的演員都會變瘋子。BC基本上已經完全變態(請參考會脫蛹而出的昆蟲)了!」「嘖!Charmant!」BC憤慨的補充:「我看編劇跟Mycroft也有一樣的問題吧!」
Mark says that years ago he wrote down a list of things he would love to include if he ever did a Sherlock Holmes story and one of the things was “221C”.The Five Orange Pips is a famous Sherlock Holmes story but it’s never been done on TV before because the Ku Klux Klan are behind it, so producers have tended to avoid it.
“Tell us about Rupert Graves, Benedict,” coaxes Mark in a strange American accent. Adopting the same accent, Benedict recites, “Rupert Graves is good at football and has five children ...” then he loses the accent and adds, “Well, the fifth on the way. He’s fantastic.” He continues on but keeps drifting into describing Lestrade instead of Rupert.
「來聊聊 Rupert Graves (Lestrade警長) 吧,BC。」Mark用一種奇怪的美國口音勸誘著。用著相同的怪口音,BC背誦似的回答了:「Rupert Graves很會踢足球而且有五個小孩....」然後他的怪口音突然沒了,接著道:「Well,第五個快出生了。他太美妙了。」他接著說 Lestrade 對 Homes很有耐心,後來才想到要聊的是Rupert 演員而不是 Lestrade 警探 XD。
[Can I just interject here and say that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate on typing this, because every time I stop to listen to what the three of them are saying, Benedict’s deep voice is literally vibrating through the desk and is making me go all unnecessary!]
Mark says it was interesting casting Rupert as Lestrade because “traditionally he’s a ratty-faced and rather resentful character” but he’s a very good detective, and Mark and Steven said that if Sherlock Holmes wasn’t around, it would be Lestrade’s series.
Benedict agrees that there’s always a need to justify why you’re re-making Sherlock Holmes into yet another series and that, in bringing it into the twenty-first century, “if you have a persona and a physical presence as gorgeous and adept as Rupert and his Lestrade, then it means that there is another level to detective work which Holmes does bring, that it does supersede the normal police procedure.”
He points out Lestrade’s clothing, adding, “There’s a lot going on; there’s a personal history. I bet he’s got a drinking problem and a failed relationship or two.” “Are we still on Rupert, or Lestrade?!” asks Martin.
「他就像顆鑽石。」Mart這樣形容Rupert,並說到選 Rupert 來演 Lestrade 很有趣,因為「傳說中他長得獐頭鼠目而且脾氣不佳」,但他是個非常好的警探,Mark 和 Steven 甚至認為若沒有 Sherlock,這完全就是 Lestrade 的影集了。
BC認為應該要澄清一下「為什麼要做一個21世紀Serlock Holmes」。「假如這世上真有這樣一號人物可以像 Rupert 演的 Lestrade 一樣華麗而熟練,那表示 Holmes 給偵查工作帶到了另一個層次,就是它確實取代了警方辦案的常規。(老實說我不懂他想表達啥,因為戲裡的 Lestrade 我真的看不出有什麼美貌以外的特長 @@)」
他突然提到Lestrade的服裝(這人的思想真的很跳躍 @@):「這可以看出很多個人事跡。我打賭他有酗酒的問題而且搞砸了一兩段親秘關係。」「我們現在是在聊 Rupert 還是Lestrade?」Martin問。「……呃……Lestrade!」BC竟然想了一下才回應 XD。
Mark says that years ago he wrote down a list of things he would love to include if he ever did a Sherlock Holmes story and one of the things was “221C”.
Mark說到好幾年前他列了一張清單,上面寫了如果他有機會製作「Sherlock Holmes」的話一定要放上來的幾件事,而其中一件就是「221C室」。
Benedict gives a mention to the script supervisor who read the lines of the woman in the car off-camera while they were filming in 221C. She got so much into the role that she was actually crying, and she did it several times, leaving the actors humbled by her performance. The location of the room was a drive of an hour and a half away; it was a really unpleasant damp place and Mark found a Bay City Rollers scarf there.
BC特別提到他們在221C拍攝時,那個為車裡的女人在鏡頭外念台詞的場記。她超投入這個角色而且真的哭了,還配合反覆拍了好幾次,讓演員都為她的表演感到自卑。那個房間的實際位址遠在一個半小時的車程之外,是個濕得讓人很不愉快的地方,而Mark在那邊發現一件「海灣城市搖滾客合唱團」(Bay City Rollers)的圍巾。
中間有一小段,BC提了一個做隨片講評的疑問不知道是啥 @@。這是他第一次為DVD做隨片講評。(很隨性的到處自爆不知道是天性還是第一次的關係....XD)
Many of the shots of Sherlock in the lab testing the shoes were filmed on the day that Martin was injured. It was the third day of filming: on the second day they had almost been snowed in at a morgue in Merthyr Tydfil; and on the third day Martin was leaving his Freeway (presumably his trailer?), slipped on some icy steps “and came down like a sack of spuds” and had to have that day off. They filmed all the close-up work on Sherlock that they could and then they returned to finish filming that scene on the last day before Martin had his hair cut to film episode 2.
“There’s a song in that, the way you were describing it,” says Benedict, then starts singing, “Freeman fell out of his Freeway on his way to ...” “Are you on drugs?!” Martin demands incredulously. “You know my mantra, Martin,” says Mark. “All actors who play Sherlock Holmes go mad. Benedict Cumberbatch has stolen a march by coming in fully formed!” “Charmant!” says Benedict indignantly, adding, “So speaks the writer and Mycroft!”
好幾個Sherlock在實驗室檢驗鞋子的鏡頭是Martin受傷那天拍的。那是拍攝的第三天:第二天他們差點被大雪淹沒在 Merthyr Tydfil 的停屍間,然後第三天Martin在離開他的 Freeway(他的拖車?)準備去上妝時,在結冰的階梯上滑倒了,「像一袋土豆一樣滾下來」他那天只好請假,然後跟BC說:「你只能自己來了,假裝我在這裡把他演完。」他們盡可能的多拍一些Sherlock的特寫,並且想辦法在Martin為第二集剪頭髮以前回來把它拍完(Martin:我一拍完這幕就去把頭髮剪短了)。
「你描述的那個情節,是不是有首歌...」BC在中間突然想到什麼似的,說著說著就哼起來了:「Freeman fell out of his Freeway on his way to ...」「你是嗑藥嗑high了嗎?!」Martin質問他。「No.....NO~!」BC想解釋,Mark已經開始吐槽了:「Martin你知道我的口頭禪是啥嗎,就是所有演Sherlock的演員都會變瘋子。BC基本上已經完全變態(請參考會脫蛹而出的昆蟲)了!」「嘖!Charmant!」BC憤慨的補充:「我看編劇跟Mycroft也有一樣的問題吧!」
The lab is in Cardiff University. They give praise to the Director of Photography, Steve Lawes, who made the room more interesting with jars of coloured water which had no scientific function but made the place look less sterile. “It’s good to look good when one’s looking in a microscope,” muses Benedict.
實驗室位在Cardiff大學。他們對攝影導演 Steve Lawes 讚不絕口,他在房間裡擺了一些裝了沒有化學作用的各色顏料水罐子,讓整個地方看起來不那麼單調而有趣的多。「一個人在看顯微鏡的樣子可以這麼好看真是很不錯。」BC說。
“Loo Brealey and Andrew Scott here,” says Martin at the arrival of Molly and Jim. “... together at last,” adds Mark. Putting on a dramatic movie trailer voice, Martin continues, “Scott! Brealey! Together At Last!”
Mark says the idea of Jim came about when they were filming Molly in the pilot. Mark was watching the monitors and said, “She should have a boyfriend and Sherlock works out he’s gay and just destroys her.”
「Loo Brealey (Molly) 和 Andrew Scott (Moriarty) 來了。」Martin在Molly和Jim出現的時候說道。「....終於在一起了。」Mark補充。Martin像在配預告片旁白一樣繼續:「Scott!Brealey!終於在一起了!」
Mark說Jim出現的點子是在 Pilot 那集拍攝 Molly 的戲時想到的。Mark看著螢幕說:「她應該要有一個男朋友然後Sherlock看出他是個gay一整個讓她崩潰。」
Benedict asks if he can mention “tacky stuff if you’re interested in that kind of thing.” The ‘flashback’ moments during Sherlock’s deduction about Jim were filmed on “an SLR – a normal hand-held camera.” He thinks it’s a great mixture of techniques used to see through Sherlock’s eyes.
“Loo Brealey and Andrew Scott here,” says Martin at the arrival of Molly and Jim. “... together at last,” adds Mark. Putting on a dramatic movie trailer voice, Martin continues, “Scott! Brealey! Together At Last!”
Mark says the idea of Jim came about when they were filming Molly in the pilot. Mark was watching the monitors and said, “She should have a boyfriend and Sherlock works out he’s gay and just destroys her.”
「Loo Brealey (Molly) 和 Andrew Scott (Moriarty) 來了。」Martin在Molly和Jim出現的時候說道。「....終於在一起了。」Mark補充。Martin像在配預告片旁白一樣繼續:「Scott!Brealey!終於在一起了!」
Mark說Jim出現的點子是在 Pilot 那集拍攝 Molly 的戲時想到的。Mark看著螢幕說:「她應該要有一個男朋友然後Sherlock看出他是個gay一整個讓她崩潰。」
Benedict asks if he can mention “tacky stuff if you’re interested in that kind of thing.” The ‘flashback’ moments during Sherlock’s deduction about Jim were filmed on “an SLR – a normal hand-held camera.” He thinks it’s a great mixture of techniques used to see through Sherlock’s eyes.
He adds that Paul McGuigan and Steve Lawes, the Director and Cinematographer, are very clever people. Martin bursts out with “McGuigan! Lawes! Together At Last!” “They should write the song about Freeman falling out of his Freeway,” says Benedict. “And then film the video!” suggests Martin.
他補充說道,導演Paul McGuigan 和攝影導演 Steve Lawes 是非常聰明的人。Martin突然就爆出一句:「McGuigan! Lawes! 終於在一起了!」「他們兩真該寫一首 《Freeman摔下Freeway》的歌。」BC說。「然後拍成影片!」Martin建議。
Mark points out that even Arthur Conan Doyle found it difficult to keep going with the complicated deduction scenes in his books, and Mark also found it hard writing the deduction scene with the shoes. He sat with a pair of his own shoes and tried to work out what he might be able to deduce by looking at them. He also wrote the name tag bit because there was a boy at school who they used to take the mickey out of because he had his name on things like his towels when he was too old for such things.
他補充說道,導演Paul McGuigan 和攝影導演 Steve Lawes 是非常聰明的人。Martin突然就爆出一句:「McGuigan! Lawes! 終於在一起了!」「他們兩真該寫一首 《Freeman摔下Freeway》的歌。」BC說。「然後拍成影片!」Martin建議。
Mark points out that even Arthur Conan Doyle found it difficult to keep going with the complicated deduction scenes in his books, and Mark also found it hard writing the deduction scene with the shoes. He sat with a pair of his own shoes and tried to work out what he might be able to deduce by looking at them. He also wrote the name tag bit because there was a boy at school who they used to take the mickey out of because he had his name on things like his towels when he was too old for such things.
“Can I make a confession very quickly?” asks Benedict. “I still have some socks and towels from school that have my name on them! It’s embarrassing. I actually once did an interview with somebody and they said, ‘Your name tag’s sticking out of your shirt,’ and this was when I was twenty-six! It was a white school shirt that I still owned! Oh, a pathetic life.” “Why do you still have pants and socks from school?” asks Mark. “I didn’t say pants!” protests Benedict. “I’m imagining it, though!” says Mark. Benedict continues that he still had socks from school for the same reason that men get socks for Christmas: because blokes don’t think of buying socks very often. “I do!” says Martin, and Mark agrees. “We can’t say where we get them from, though,” says Mark. “But can you not say it and then say, ‘There are other outlets’?” asks Benedict. “There are other detectives,” says Mark.
“Mark, I’d like to ask a question,” says Martin seriously. “OK,” replies Mark, as if bracing himself. “What’s the fastest land mammal?” asks Martin, cracking Benedict up. Martin then asks the real question about how Mark and Steven decided on the tone of the show. It’s dark – though not as dark as Cracker or Messiah but it’s not ‘jaunty’ either – and Martin wonders what Mark’s and Steven’s plan was.
「Mark,我想問個問題。」Martin嚴肅的說。Mark深呼吸了一下,好像在鼓起勇氣之後才回答:「OK。」「什麼是陸地上速度最快的哺乳動物?」Martin問了,害BC崩潰爆笑。「是豹吧我想。」Mark還真的回了 XD。Martin接著問出真正的問題:Mark和Steven是怎麼決定這部戲的步調的?它是黑暗的-雖然不像 Cracker 或 Messiah那麼黑暗,但也不輕快。Martin好奇Mark和Steven的打算是什麼。
Mark thinks that it’s come out darker than they originally intended, and that if they do any more it’s something to bear in mind. He wonders if it’s anything to do with the episodes being 90 minutes long and therefore there being more of an epicness to them. He thinks that there’s room for more comedy, in particular relationship comedy, in future episodes but everyone agrees that that wouldn’t have been appropriate here.
"We could do one where we go on a weekend break together,” suggests Benedict. Mark says, “I remember someone saying when Doctor Who came back, incredibly posing the question, ‘How come they always turn up where something strange and interesting is happening?’ Well, why d’ you think?! Because the episode where they go to Margate isn’t very interesting!”
Mark覺得拍出來的結果是比他們原先想要的還要黑暗;大概跟題材有關,第一集跟第三集都是連續殺手的故事,而這是一個 90分鐘的影集,要精彩而且印象深刻只有把它搞黑一點,耍多一點手段,他們已經盡量用輕快的配樂來調和氣氛。他認為在喜劇情節的部份還有很大的發展空間,但現在這集不太適合,也許在未來別集會有,特別是兩人關係的喜劇(relationship comedy)」。(一定要的啊啊啊 >w<)
「可以做一集兩人一起去個什麼地方渡假的(啊啊啊~獵犬集就是這樣來的嗎?!XDDD)。」BC建議。Mark說:「我記得《Doctor Who》回來時有人提到:『他們怎麼有辦法每次都在有怪事發生的時候出現?』」(後面的句子不懂真正的意思 @@)
Lestrade’s office at Scotland Yard was filmed in a part-empty office building. The show’s production offices were based there as well.
Mark (as Sally Donovan walks into Lestrade’s office):
Here’s the lovely Vinette Robinson.
(在Sally Donovan走進Lestrade辦公室時)可愛的 Vinette Robinson 出現了。
The brilliant Vinette Robinson. She’s good in it, isn’t she? Wonderful.
聰明的 Vinette Robinson,她可真棒不是嗎?
Eh, marry her, then.
I don’t think Olivia will let me!
我不覺得 Olivia(BC當時的女友)會答應這件事!
“Can I make a confession very quickly?” asks Benedict. “I still have some socks and towels from school that have my name on them! It’s embarrassing. I actually once did an interview with somebody and they said, ‘Your name tag’s sticking out of your shirt,’ and this was when I was twenty-six! It was a white school shirt that I still owned! Oh, a pathetic life.” “Why do you still have pants and socks from school?” asks Mark. “I didn’t say pants!” protests Benedict. “I’m imagining it, though!” says Mark. Benedict continues that he still had socks from school for the same reason that men get socks for Christmas: because blokes don’t think of buying socks very often. “I do!” says Martin, and Mark agrees. “We can’t say where we get them from, though,” says Mark. “But can you not say it and then say, ‘There are other outlets’?” asks Benedict. “There are other detectives,” says Mark.
“Mark, I’d like to ask a question,” says Martin seriously. “OK,” replies Mark, as if bracing himself. “What’s the fastest land mammal?” asks Martin, cracking Benedict up. Martin then asks the real question about how Mark and Steven decided on the tone of the show. It’s dark – though not as dark as Cracker or Messiah but it’s not ‘jaunty’ either – and Martin wonders what Mark’s and Steven’s plan was.
「Mark,我想問個問題。」Martin嚴肅的說。Mark深呼吸了一下,好像在鼓起勇氣之後才回答:「OK。」「什麼是陸地上速度最快的哺乳動物?」Martin問了,害BC崩潰爆笑。「是豹吧我想。」Mark還真的回了 XD。Martin接著問出真正的問題:Mark和Steven是怎麼決定這部戲的步調的?它是黑暗的-雖然不像 Cracker 或 Messiah那麼黑暗,但也不輕快。Martin好奇Mark和Steven的打算是什麼。
Mark thinks that it’s come out darker than they originally intended, and that if they do any more it’s something to bear in mind. He wonders if it’s anything to do with the episodes being 90 minutes long and therefore there being more of an epicness to them. He thinks that there’s room for more comedy, in particular relationship comedy, in future episodes but everyone agrees that that wouldn’t have been appropriate here.
"We could do one where we go on a weekend break together,” suggests Benedict. Mark says, “I remember someone saying when Doctor Who came back, incredibly posing the question, ‘How come they always turn up where something strange and interesting is happening?’ Well, why d’ you think?! Because the episode where they go to Margate isn’t very interesting!”
Mark覺得拍出來的結果是比他們原先想要的還要黑暗;大概跟題材有關,第一集跟第三集都是連續殺手的故事,而這是一個 90分鐘的影集,要精彩而且印象深刻只有把它搞黑一點,耍多一點手段,他們已經盡量用輕快的配樂來調和氣氛。他認為在喜劇情節的部份還有很大的發展空間,但現在這集不太適合,也許在未來別集會有,特別是兩人關係的喜劇(relationship comedy)」。(一定要的啊啊啊 >w<)
「可以做一集兩人一起去個什麼地方渡假的(啊啊啊~獵犬集就是這樣來的嗎?!XDDD)。」BC建議。Mark說:「我記得《Doctor Who》回來時有人提到:『他們怎麼有辦法每次都在有怪事發生的時候出現?』」(後面的句子不懂真正的意思 @@)
Lestrade’s office at Scotland Yard was filmed in a part-empty office building. The show’s production offices were based there as well.
Mark (as Sally Donovan walks into Lestrade’s office):
Here’s the lovely Vinette Robinson.
(在Sally Donovan走進Lestrade辦公室時)可愛的 Vinette Robinson 出現了。
The brilliant Vinette Robinson. She’s good in it, isn’t she? Wonderful.
聰明的 Vinette Robinson,她可真棒不是嗎?
Eh, marry her, then.
I don’t think Olivia will let me!
我不覺得 Olivia(BC當時的女友)會答應這件事!