

[Sherlock] S1E3 ‘The Great Game’ 隨片講評 (6)(END)

同時補上S1E3 ‘The Great Game’ 隨片講評 (4) 中,Benedict那段話嘮到讓我翻到頭髮都白了演說。
(OS:這一節沒辦法tag Martin Freeman好哀傷 Q_Q)

I hate BE Q_Q

Joe Harrison,Westie未婚妻的哥哥的名字,來自原著中的「The Naval Treaty」故事,和「The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans」裡的很像。
Joe Harrison, the brother of Westie’s fiancee, takes his name from a Conan Doyle story called The Naval Treaty, which is very similar to The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans.

Benedict croons over the cleverness of the shot where Sherlock holds his mini magnifying glass over Joe’s window sill and his own face is reflected in it.


In order to film Joe putting Westie’s body onto the train roof, Mark says that they spent an amazing night in the goods yard at Battersea with a real train.

深深覺得影視業真是超神奇的行業,跟魔術師有拼 XD

Mark likes the scene where Sherlock is yelling at the TV, because there’s no need to go into detailed explanation of how he knows that the man isn’t the boy’s real father. “Like the bottom third of the door handle of the Chinese restaurant,” says Benedict, harking back to the first episode. “Let’s see more of these in the future!” says Mark.


游泳池位在Bedminster in Bristol。Mark曾住在那邊並去游泳過。
The pool is in Bedminster in Bristol. Mark used to live there and swim in the pool.

Mark: 如果有人跟我說,我有一天會在這個游泳池拍Sherlock Holmes,我大概會說……「你是未來人吧」。
Mark: “And if anyone had ever told me that one day I’d be making Sherlock Holmes in that pool, I would have said, ‘... You have come from the future’.”

Benedict(尖著嗓子): 你的聲音在飄,我聽不到你在說啥!
Benedict (in a high pitched voice): “You’re flying, and I can’t understand what you’re saying!”

Mark: 抱歉我聽不見,我在游泳!
Mark: “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. I’m swimming!”

Benedict: 如果是Matt Smith(某任Doctor Who的主演,雖然大家應該都知道了還是提一下:Doctor Who的特點就是穿縮各時空)出現跟你說這事呢?那你搞不好就相信了。
Benedict: “What if Matt Smith had appeared and told you that? Then you might have believed him.”

Mark: 我可能會說:Doctor Who還在演啊?!呼!(again,雖然大家應該都知道了還是提一下:Doctor Who從1963年開演到現在有五十年了)
Mark: “I would have gone, ‘Doctor Who‘s still on?! Woo!’”

現任Dr. Who -- Matt Smith
(我沒有力氣追這部影集 Orz)

Benedict: 這場戲有好多可以發揮的,但我的當務之急是我那套Spencer Hart西裝…
Benedict: “There’s so much to play in this scene [but] one of my main preoccupations was the fact that my Spencer Hart suit ...”

(Mark growls in irritation.)

Benedict: ……的口袋凸出來了因為放了把槍在那裡!(笑)走起路來實在很怪而且很困難。
Benedict: “... was bulging at the pockets because it had a gun in it! (He laughs.) It was really odd and difficult to walk!”

Mark:  你能不能再說一次然後只說「我的西裝」就好?
Mark: “Can you say that again and just say ‘my suit’?”

Benedict: OK: 那套合身又好看的訂製西裝放了一把蠻大的槍在口袋,那真的很讓人分心,尤其是我同時還得專心注意別掉進水裡。
Benedict: “OK: that very well-fitted beautifully tailored suit has a rather large gun in it and it was rather distracting, to the point that I had to concentrate very hard on not falling into the water.”

(Sherlock: Well, where else was I supposed to put it?)

Benedict: 令人驚嘆的Andrew Scott出現了。
Benedict: “And here is the sublime Andrew Scott.”


Mark: 所以不是個隨便的同性戀笑話。事實上,是個大壞蛋!現在Andrew進場念他的台詞而每個人都感受到他的演譯。關於Moriarty──顯然跟Sherlock和John的演譯一樣──他不可能會是個60歲的禿頭教授。他得是別的樣子,有點什麼隱藏在平凡的外表下,就像這樣。我們見過很多不錯的演員,而Andrew立刻就帶出一種頑皮的超強張力;這些Holmes和Moriarty互相叫陣的對白,其中有些片段非常可怕,我想,當他的臉像帶上蜥蝪面具而他真實的邪惡本性開始展露,那真是了不起。
Mark: “So not just a cheap gay joke. In fact, a supervillain! Now, Andrew came in to read for this part and everybody just really fell for his interpretation. The thing about Moriarty – obviously as with the reinterpretation of Sherlock and John – he was never gonna be a sixty year old bald professor. He was going to be something else, and something hiding in plain sight, as it were. And we saw a lot of great people, but what Andrew brought to it immediately was a kind of playful super-intensity; and for all the sort of camp fun of some of these lines, which are demanded by a Holmes and Moriarty confrontation, there are moments in it which are so scary, I think, when his face becomes a lizard-like set mask and this real evil just comes through, I think is really remarkable.”

Benedict(聽起來不太爽): 哦,跟他結婚去吧!
Benedict (sounding exasperated): “Oh, marry him!”

Mark: 哦,我是啊。我跟Andrew結婚了!這還用說嗎!
Mark: “Oh, I am. I’m married to Andrew! That’s a given!”

Benedict: 我剛是在學Martin,順說一下。(人不在就可以隨便玩了嗎 XDDD)
Benedict: “That was me being Martin, by the way.”

Mark: 這邊有兩件小事:Moriarty是個愛爾蘭名字而史上從沒有出現過愛爾蘭籍的Moriarty,所以我們明確的要求Andrew演出時用上他的口音。
Mark: “There’s two little things here: ‘Moriarty’ is an Irish name and there’s never been an Irish Moriarty, so we actually asked Andrew to do it in his own accent.”

Benedict(抽笑):我喜歡這個:「Daddy’s had enough now!’(原台詞)」!
Benedict (cracking up at a line on the screen): I love that: ‘Daddy’s had enough now!’”

Mark: 另一個原著版Moriarty版的小細節是他的頭總是從這邊晃到那邊像隻奇怪的爬蟲類。有次在Andrew試裝時我跟他提了這件事,他原本並不知道,但馬上抓住這個點子,然後我看到他,差不多是在他要走的時候,第一次練習了那個動作,然後一有機會就這麼做,特別是在ending這場戲。
Mark: “One of the little details in the original story is that Moriarty’s head is forever oscillating from side to side in a curiously reptilian fashion. And I told Andrew that on the costume fitting and he didn’t know, and absolutely grabbed it, and I saw him, literally as he was going, he was just practising it for the first time, and he just pops it in every now and then, particularly at the end.”

當Moriarty說「That’s what people DO!」時,Mark說:「這就是那種會讓你毛骨悚然的時刻。」
As Moriarty says, “That’s what people DO!” Mark says, “That’s one of those moments which makes my hair stand on end.”

"That's what people DO!"

Steven 和 Mark原本沒打算讓三集片出現對峙場面。但他們後來瞭解到「我們就是得做一場對峙戲。我們得做一版『最後致意』中兩個天敵對峙的場面……然後說,『Westwood』!」
Steven and Mark were originally not going to put a confrontation into these three episodes. But then they realised that “we just had to do a confrontation scene. We had to do a version of the scene in The Final Problem in which the two arch-enemies meet each other ... and say, ‘Westwood’!”


Benedict: 哈囉!是不是只有他能說那個而我不能提到提到我訂製的西裝?
Benedict: “Hello! So he’s allowed to say that but I’m not allowed to say my tailor!”

Mark: 這個嘛,影集裡都已經提到了,這沒關係,這很清楚!而且公爵夫人(感謝死線太太指正:公爵夫人就是Vivian Westwood啦~Moriart那套西裝的牌子,反骨服裝設計師。她完全不需要靠廣告啊,所以反過來,劇組去請問她「我們有這個榮幸在對白中提到您的牌子嗎」),你知道的,給了我們許可。她是一個福爾摩斯粉。
Mark: “Well, that’s on the telly; it’s all right, it’s cleared and everything! Also, the Duchess, you know, she gave us permission. She’s a big Holmes fan.”

Benedict: 她現在一定是了。
Benedict: “She will be now.”


之前看Hot Fozz 的幕後花絮時有提到一件事,某一幕是要拍男主二在挑花車上的特價DVD,那一幕出現的片子每一張都「必需」去要到電影公司的許可才許出現在螢幕上, 光那一幕他們就要到很想死,更不用說那一整部片子都是拿其他的電影來開玩笑,「要授權」這件事絕對有資格變成一個專職的工作。(至於要授權是要付錢還是怎麼運作我就不清楚了)

不過這種事應該是製作群會比較清楚,純演員(尤其像Benedict這麼二的)搞不清楚狀況應該也是很常見吧 ? 


Mark: 這真的就是那個時刻,Sherlock開始確認這點:要不是因為他已做了選擇,他真的可以變成Moriarty,他們都是獨一無二的,比所有人聰明,而他真的是有一顆心的;他就像我們,而不是他們。
Mark: “This is really where Sherlock, having I think convinced himself that, were it not for the fact that he chose to, he could actually be Moriarty, they are one and the same, they’re both so, so much cleverer than the little people, that really he realizes he does have a heart; he’s one of us, not one of them.”

Benedict cracks up as Moriarty demonstrates the look of surprise he’ll have on his face if Sherlock shoots him.


Benedict: 因為他是這樣一個大魔頭,對Sherlock來說這很有吸引力,但同時也沒有降低Sherlock的敵對態度。這兩人非常班配。
Benedict: “Because he’s such an arch-villain there’s a real attraction to him, but at the same time it doesn’t diminish Holmes as being his perfect foe. It’s a very good match between the two of them.”

Mark: 現在是你該跟他結婚了。
Mark: “Now you have to marry him.”

Mark說那純然是個意外:當Andrew第一次走到那個角落時,就停在一個寫著「Deep End(原指游泳池的深水池,也可以當作死局解)」的牌子前。


(後面就是些see you next time的道別詞----THE END!!!!!!!!!!)

Mark says that it was a totally accidental thing but when Andrew first comes around the corner, he’s in front of a sign that says “Deep End”.

“Get out of that,” says Mark as the screen goes to black. “Wazoos!” exclaims Benedict.
“Hope you enjoyed it,” say both Mark and Benedict. Benedict adds, “And hopefully we’ll see you in about a year’s time.”


這純粹是「想知道」和「想練英文」兩大動力支撐著我沒棄坑。在半年前我就是個英文渣,翻一句話要十分鐘都還不一定翻得出來,這半年的前半段真是痛苦的要命我都不知道自己為什麼要做這件事(這一切都是因為愛啊)。然後現在終於,翻是可以翻出來了但我還是不確定都有抓到原意 XDD 

我想過去這幾篇翻譯錯誤應該很多。歡迎抓蟲,and 我還是會繼續練習。

Next: The Hounds of Baskerville 隨片講評
(A Scandal in Belgravia已經有完整聽譯影片,所以順序將排在最後)

See you soon!!(Hope so....)


3 則留言:

  1. 真的謝謝你 深深的

  2. 謝謝你的隨片講評翻譯!辛苦你了!

  3. 謝謝你的翻譯,終於能知道這些幕後有趣的花絮
