The boys comment how bitterly cold it was on the foreshore of the Thames.
Mark: 我們得想想那個躺在地上扮死屍的人!
Mark: “We must spare a thought for the guy playing the corpse!”
Martin: 喔,該死,沒錯!
Martin: “Oh, hell, yeah!”
Benedict: 我們還在這邊抱怨我們很冷。我們的衣服可沒濕。
Benedict: “Here we are moaning about our cold. We’re clothed and not wet.”
Mark: 他真的是冷「死」了!
Mark: “He actually did die!”
Martin: 這就是為什麼我們得為他想想。他真是無私的人,他想:不,得逼真一點,我得殺了我自己!
Martin: “That’s why we’ve got to spare the thought for him. He was really selfless: he thought, ‘No, to make this real, I’m gonna kill meself’!”
這整個假畫和Golem案件,原本是要放在六集裡的第二集,後來他們決定把整齣劇改成三集90分鐘的影集,這個決定讓Sherlock突然變得很厲害──因為他得在非常短的時間內連續破案 XD。原本的殺手本來叫做「The Limper」,是個穿高底鞋(built-up shoe)的男人,但後來Mark重寫了這一集並決定要來點更異國情調的元素,然後他想到,「Golem是布拉格(捷克)的傳奇,如果劇情裡要出現殺手的話大概就會是這種名字…而我剛好認識某個七呎二吋(約218cm)的人能扮這個角色!」
The case of the fake painting and the Golem was originally going to be the whole of episode 2 of what was going to be a six part series before they decided to do three 90 minute episodes instead. The original killer was going to be called The Limper and would have been a man with a built-up shoe but when Mark was re-working the idea for this episode he decided that it needed to be something more exotic and he thought, “The Golem is a fantastic Prague legend and if there’s gonna be a killer he should be called something like that ... and I know just the 7’2” man to do the job!”
Benedict大力讚揚Mark在兩週內就重寫好劇本。Martin說,他剛聽到Mark要重寫劇本時實在覺得很惱火,因為他們已經對過台詞(table reading)了,他心想:「你搞什麼鬼還要重寫? (Why the hell are you rewriting it? Martin真的超猛的,每次爆粗口都是信口捻來純天然啊)」,但等到他拿到劇本時,發現新劇本寫的更好。Benny說通常劇本改寫都是因為一些比較實際的理由,比方說Sue(製作人)會說:「預算!預算!我們請不起20個人!」但這次的改寫真的好很多。
Benedict heaps praise on the fact that Mark redrafted the script within two weeks. Martin adds that he was quite annoyed when he heard that Mark was rewriting it, because they had done a table reading and he thought, “Why the hell are you rewriting it?” but when the new script came back, it was even better. Benedict says that often scripts come back with adjustments made for practicalities, for example Sue [Vertue] thinking, “The budget! The budget! We can’t afford twenty people!” but this one had genuinely been better.
劇情來到John前往死掉的保全跟人分租的房子,並見到他的女室友,Martin說道:「這位是Alison Lintott,是我很久以前在Central School of Speech and Drama (University of London)的同學。」
When John goes to visit the woman who shared a house with the security guard, Martin comments, “This is Alison Lintott, who was in my year at Central many moons ago.”
這位同學如果可以減掉30公斤絕壁是個大美女 |
Benedict(老梗繼續): 還有別的戲劇學校(drama schools)
Benedict: “There are other drama schools available.”
Martin(驕傲貌): 但沒有一間這麼有名
Martin (pompously): “But none quite as prestigious.”
Mark(也加入老梗行列): 還有別的Alisons.
Mark: “There are other Alisons.”
Benedict: 還有別的Martin…但沒有比這兩個更棒的
Benedict: “And other Martins as well ... but none as good as these two.”
Martin: 還有別的Freemen…Morgie(我總覺得應該是Morgan... Morgan Freeman)
Martin: “There are other Freemans ... Morgie.”
Mark worried about the clue of the telescope and says that you start to wonder if you’re making it too obvious, and then it turns out that even when you revealed it, people go, “I didn’t get that one.”
不只這個線索我沒注意到 整齣戲的節奏快到看完都不確定到底發生過什麼事 =.= |
Martin is blown away when he sees how Mycroft’s text seems to be projected onto the wall of the room and John is actually blocking part of the message until he moves out of the way. Mark says that the whole business of the text appearing onscreen has got people quite excited.
在空氣中飄揚的簡訊/部落格/推理過程 真的是本劇的大亮點 |
「簡單而有效,」Martin說,接著道:「說到簡單,看看這個!」這時Sherlock正轉過身,穿著警衛制服偽裝成保全人員。在Sherlock走向Miss Wenceslas時,Martin模仿起Blakey的聲音(英國電視劇<On The Buses>的一個角色):「我會逮到你的,Bulter!」Mark說他堅持要Benny把領子立起來,泰半是為了對映Sherlock的平常穿外套的方式,泰半是因為「把領子放下來,你真的看起來就像Blakey。」
“It’s so simple and so effective,” says Martin, adding, “Speaking of simple, look at this!” as Sherlock turns around in his security officer’s disguise. As Sherlock walks towards Miss Wenceslas, Martin adopts his best Blakey voice from On The Buses and says, “I’ll get you, Butler!” Mark says that he insisted that Benedict put the collar of the jacket up, partly to mirror the way that Sherlock wears his usual coat and partly because “with it down, you genuinely looked like Blakey.”
我只注意到臉長+高帽看起來好詭異啊 XD 挑一張半遮臉的看起來比較帥 |
Blakey in <On The Buses> (私心: Benny帥多了好嗎) |
Mark makes an “anorak-y” point that the fake Vermeer should have been painted onto board, and the design team accidently put it onto canvas.
很妙的畫面構圖.... 我都不確定視線重點該放在門還是倒影上了 =w= |
導演Paul McGuigan在拍Lucy家的場景時很不高興,因為他覺得看起來太像EastEnders了(請參考介紹文《歷久彌新的倫敦本土連續劇》),不過後來他就開心了點──因為能在車頂拍到房子的倒影(導演大人…你倒底是有多「對稱控」啊…)。這是Paul第一次拍電視劇。
Paul McGuigan was very unhappy shooting the scene outside Lucy’s house because he thought it looked like something from EastEnders but was more happy when he was able to do the shot with the house reflected in the roof of the car. This is the first time that Paul has worked on television.
Mark: “How did you find working with Paul?”
Martin: “Genuinely?”
Mark: “Mm-hmm.”
Martin: “Bloody awful! No, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked him from the first moment I met him. I liked his clothes, and I knew that he cared about clothes, so I thought, ‘We’re onto a winner here’.”
Mark: “You’re so shallow!”
貝克街上的場景實際上是在North Gower Street上拍的。劇組曾有機會可以實際在貝克街進行拍攝,但Mark現在明白了:「那會把人逼瘋,因為你將得掩飾街道上所有跟『Sherlock Holmes』有關的東西,而且那條街真的太繁忙了。」
The scenes in Baker Street are actually filmed in North Gower Street. There was a possibility of filming in Baker Street, but Mark realises now that “it would have been madness, apart from the fact that you would have had to disguise a hundred thousand things with ‘Sherlock Holmes’ on them,” and the road was just too busy.
天文館的戲份實際上是在Cardiff Museum進行拍攝,而且隔壁就是Doctor Who在進行拍攝,該博物館因此休館因為沒法再容納旅客了。
The planetarium scene was filmed in Cardiff Museum and they were right next door to where Doctor Who was filming, so the museum was closed because there was no room for visitors.
Mark: 我記得有次從某個門上的玻璃洞口看過去,你們兩個回到基地,我看到你們兩個在玩牌心想這真是詭異。而那其實是你們兩的替身。
Mark: “I remember looking through one of these doors with the glass porthole, and you two had gone back to base, and I looked through and there you were playing cards, and I thought it was quite weird. And it was actually your stunt doubles.”
Benedict: 我們的什麼,抱歉?我們沒有替身!
Benedict: “Our what, sorry? We don’t have stunt doubles!”
Mark: 哈囉!你們的……你們的吃飯替身。
Mark: “Hello! Your ... your eating doubles.”
Benedict: (抗議)我真不敢相信你會提到這個。如果我不能提到 Versace, Yves St Laurent boots, Marks and Spencers (以上皆名牌服飾),為什麼你可以提我們有替身,我不懂。
Benedict: “I can’t believe you’re allowed to mention it. If I can’t talk about Versace, Yves St Laurent boots, and Marks and Spencers, why you can give away the fact that we have stunt doubles, I don’t know.”
Martin: 有好幾次我正要開始跟Benny說說某場戲或練對白(running lines),然後突然發現那不是他。事實上跟替身練對白還更順一點。
Martin: “Many’s the time I almost would start speaking to Benedict about a scene or running lines and realising that it wasn’t him. Actually, the line runs went better when it wasn’t him.”
Mark: 你第一集的大部份時候都是跟別人練的。
Mark: “You did most of episode 1 with the other guy.”
Benedict: 是啊!他們比我還熟我的台詞。
Benedict: “Yeah, they knew my lines far better than I did.”
拍打鬥戲的時候,他們手提著攝影機拍攝,因為閃動的光線 (這通常不怎麼受歡迎)會讓這場戲看起來更戲劇化。還有地球儀的光線反射那些行星也是。
The camera box was stripped right back for the fight scene because the lens flare (which you normally wouldn’t want) made the scene more dramatic.Also the globes of light reflected the idea of the planets.
閃動的光線真的很煩 我都看不清誰跟誰在打架啊 |
關於撥放中的行星介紹影片,由Perter Davison擔任旁白。
The commentary to the planets sequence was done by Peter Davison.
Benedict points out that it really was him who slid across the floor at the end of the fight, and he ruined his knee doing it.
Poor Benny....你沒講我還沒注意到你被丟出去了 |
小男孩的聲音由Louis Moffat貢獻,編劇魔法特Steven Moffat 和 製作人Sue Vertue的兒子。
The voice of the little boy is provided by Louis Moffat, son of Steven Moffat and Sue Vertue.
喜歡醫生跟探長聽到小孩聲音時的反應 =w= |
Bennict: 就是一些之後會覺得很有意思的小事
Benedict: “That’s a bit of trivia that will go down very well in the future.”
Martin: ………當他(將來)雇用我們的時候!
Martin: “... when he’s employing us!”
Initially the voice was that of the show’s editor, pitch-shifted to make it sound like a child, and it sounded really creepy.
Mark admits that you have to stretch the point sometimes to make a drama like this a slightly more fantastical world. He continues: “There are two things here, one of which I should have mentioned before which is that even though they haven’t got much money, they get a lot of cabs, and that’s really because Holmes and Watson got hansom cabs. We’ve gotta see them in black cabs. You can’t put them on the 38 bus. It’s not really the same thing. The other thing which is genuinely stretching the point – and I say this as a very embittered customer – what would happen if you couldn’t get a signal there, Sherlock, because my phone ... I can’t get a signal in my own house with the network I’m saddled with!”
Benedict: 也許你應該把收不到訊號這種事寫進來。我想如果我們有需要在曠野裡進行追逐,這很可能會發生。
Benedict: “Maybe you should weave poor signals in. I think that might have to happen if we ever go out into the open after a certain hound.”
感覺收不到訊號的梗如果有天真的用上了會很悲劇啊.... |
Martin: 我得走了。
Martin: “I’ve gotta go.”
Mark: (震驚)什麼?!
Mark: “What?!”
Martin: 我現在就得走了。
Martin: “I’ve gotta go now.”
Mark: 你不在乎?
Mark: “You not bothered?”
Martin(認真,我聽不出是不是在開玩笑 Orz): 我不……老實說,我不怎麼享受這個。這是我第一次看到片子內容──而我不怎麼在乎。我沒看過也能活的好好的,yeah(!)……我真的得走了──真是太遺憾了,我很痛苦,但是我真的得走了。因為Hollyoaks(英國肥皂劇)要開演了。
Martin (mock-seriously): “I don’t ... to be honest, I’m not really enjoying it. This is my first time seeing it – I’m not that bothered. I can live without seeing it, yeah(!) ... I have genuinely gotta go – and it’s a shame, I’m hurting inside, but I’ve got to go. Because Hollyoaks is on.”
Mark: 事實上,我們可以這樣做──找人替代。你(Benedict)可以假扮成Martin。
Mark: “Actually, what we could try and do – we could sort of fill in. You [Benedict] can do Martin, can’t you?”
Martin: 他大概能假扮成我,不行的話,假扮成Alan Rickman。
Martin: “He can probably do me, or if not, do Rickman.”
Benedict真的學起Martin來了(這一段要聽原音超好笑),但學的不像,比較像Jonathan Ross。Martin走的時候,Benny繼續學起Alan Rickman的聲調——超陰沉的,聽起來很像一回事 XD.
Benedict tries to sound like Martin but gets accused by Martin of sounding more like Jonathan Ross. As Martin leaves, Ben goes on to do a really terrible impersonation of Alan Rickman!
嗯,霸氣的Martin就這樣退場了。後面的高潮戲就只剩Benny & Mark講評....
我真的,很想給你跪下來啊Martin.....錄隨片講評錄到一半說自己要閃人回去看電視還蠻不在乎的讓對話都錄下來的你絕對是第一人 Orz
--TBC (剩最後一章啦!!
回覆刪除我超愛聽隨片講評, 這片聽到下巴掉了好幾次!!不只潮爺還有缺缺~~根本都像坐在客廳聊天一樣隨便的要命 XDDD